Wedig Consulting

Dr. Robert G. Wedig, the sole proprietor of Wedig Consulting, provides consulting services for the legal community in the area of computer hardware and software. He is an expert in computer architecture, computer system design and analysis, logic design and real-time C, Pascal and assembly language programming. He is able to perform claim interpretation and validity analysis of most computer based patents. He is knowledgeable in software copyright analysis and software clean rooms.

Expert witness, neutral expert, computer consultant, patent portfolio analysis, patent infringement determination and avoidance, prior art search, patent cross license negotiations, clean room management, courtroom computer tutorials, demonstrative exhibit preparation.

Robert Wedig received his Ph.D. from Stanford University in Electrical Engineering with a concentration in computer systems. He was a logic design engineer at Hughes Aircraft Corporation responsible for the design of a number of microprocessor based systems for real time control of military instruments. He was also the principal designer of an I/O processor for a military mainframe computer. Dr. Wedig was an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In this position, he did research in the areas of instruction issue algorithms, VLSI systems, instruction control flow algorithms and AI machine architectures. Dr. Wedig has been an independent consultant for over 30 years. In this capacity, he has worked with attorneys on more than thirty computer hardware and software litigations both as an expert witness and as a consultant to the attorneys.

B.E.E. Electrical Engineering, University of Dayton, 1977.
M.S. Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, 1979.
Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, 1982.

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
Association for Computer Machinery
Tau Beta Pi

IBM Faculty Development Award
IBM Predoctoral Fellowship
Hughes Aircraft Masters Fellowship

7 invited presentations

18 publications

Committee member for 3 professional conferences
Program chairman of one professional workshop

1516 Cormorant Ct., Sunnyvale, CA 94087 • Tel: (408) 735-9321 • Fax: (408) 735-0408 •